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Page 7 OMB No. 1545-0087 Calendar year Due Sept. 16, 2002 Your first name and initial Your last name Your social security number If joint payment, complete for spouse Spouse ’ s social security number Spouse ’ s last name Spouse ’ s first name and initial Address (number, street, and apt. no.) Type or print City, state, and ZIP code (If a foreign address, enter city, province or state, postal code, and country.) For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see instructions on page 5. Tear off here OMB No. 1545-0087 Calendar year Due June 17, 2002 Your first name and initial Your last name Your social security number If joint payment, complete for spouse Spouse ’ s social security number Spouse ’ s last name Spouse ’ s first name and initial Address (number, street, and apt. no.) Type or print For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see instructions on page 5. Tear off here OMB No. 1545-0087 Calendar year Due April 15, 2002 Your first name and initial Your last name Your social security number If joint payment, complete for spouse Spouse ’ s social security number Spouse ’ s last name Spouse ’ s first name and initial Address (number, street, and apt. no.) Type or print For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see instructions on page 5. 2002 1040-ES Payment Voucher Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Form 3 2 1 2002 1040-ES Payment Voucher Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Form 2002 1040-ES Payment Voucher Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Form City, state, and ZIP code (If a foreign address, enter city, province or state, postal code, and country.) City, state, and ZIP code (If a foreign address, enter city, province or state, postal code, and country.) File only if you are making a payment of estimated tax by check or money order. Mail this voucher with your check or money order payable to the United States Treasury. Write your social security number and “ 2002 Form 1040-ES ” on your check or money order. Do not send cash. Enclose, but do not staple or attach, your payment with this voucher. File only if you are making a payment of estimated tax by check or money order. Mail this voucher with your check or money order payable to the United States Treasury. Write your social security number and “ 2002 Form 1040-ES ” on your check or money order. Do not send cash. Enclose, but do not staple or attach, your payment with this voucher. File only if you are making a payment of estimated tax by check or money order. Mail this voucher with your check or money order payable to the United States Treasury. Write your social security number and “ 2002 Form 1040-ES ” on your check or money order. Do not send cash. Enclose, but do not staple or attach, your payment with this voucher. Amount of estimated tax you are paying by check or money order. Amount of estimated tax you are paying by check or money order. Amount of estimated tax you are paying by check or money order. Amount of estimated tax you are paying by check or money order. Dollars Cents Dollars Cents Dollars Cents