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Scritto il 09/04/2019 alle ore 13.40
E' vero che Galileo è il padre della Scienza, ma molto deve al suo grande maestro Archimede, a cui tu hai dedicato un articolo che ho molto apprezzato. Ti segnalo un omaggio al grande Siracusano: cerca su internet "Pi greco in versi di Maria Intagliata". Che te ne pare?. Ciao

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Scritto il 09/04/2019 alle ore 13.30
Just got married recently and am experiencing PE, my wife believe that is because we are new in it and with time I will improve. So your articles have been very useful in helping me to improve. Thank You.

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Scritto il 09/04/2019 alle ore 06.07
Sales training is a very powerful tool for sales people who aspire to be pro in their chosen field. If they have that burning desire to learn all the information and apply the steps provided in the training, it will only be a matter of time before they achieve their goal. They can be an invaluable asset to the sales company they aspire to apply for.

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Scritto il 09/04/2019 alle ore 05.01
Das ist es ja. Sie bloggen über Dinge, die Sie interessant finden. Interessant finden Sie: Verleumdung politischer Gegner, Spotify und Modelleisenbahnen. Die bedenkliche Haltung der Innenminister Ihrer eigenen Partei zur VDS gehört offensichtlich nicht dazu, obwohl die SPD heute darüber abstimmt. QED :)

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Scritto il 09/04/2019 alle ore 03.30
Both are great cities. Glasgow – arty and cultured, Edinburgh beautiful. And the west coast of Scotland is just unreal, so desolate, and plenty of uninhabited islands for your Into the Wild moments. Never read Glu, I’ll have to look it out and get to grips with Edinburgh dialect again. Thanks for the tip! Just now I’m reading the college part of Steve Jobs biography. I think it’s saying that if I just walk about barefoot, take a lot of LSD and only eat carrots for a week, a decade later it’s pretty likely I’ll be a millionaire entrepreneur. Sounds fun!

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Scritto il 09/04/2019 alle ore 02.51
Thank you! I totally need to rent this SOON. I can’t wait to ball my eyes out (again) at that scene. It has always rung so true. Now that I have my own kids? It hits me even deeper.And thx for the ‘typo’ fyi, I fixed it!

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Scritto il 09/04/2019 alle ore 01.33
SE The new format won’t let you see all your fans, only about the first 160 this poses a problem because you can’t get to the older ones and when you need to ban someone it is impossible because you can’t see them where they liked the page to ban them. It’s impossible to ban older fans over 160 people ago. If you find a way I would love to know.

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Scritto il 09/04/2019 alle ore 00.59
Je ne sais même plus ce que j'ai comme vinaigres, il faut que je jette un oeil dans mes cartons...Quoiqu'il en soit, je réaliserais bien un vinaigre de gingembre confit maison, rien que pour faire ta recette !

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Scritto il 09/04/2019 alle ore 00.46
He probably demanded it from the Dem majority to give him cover on the subject. Not knocking IBM. It was a big deal when you worked for it, making the most popular PC, if I have the time period correct, but that was long ago.

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Scritto il 09/04/2019 alle ore 00.40
If you want to shed pounds, you should google Fat Blast Furnace. They can guide you and help you get the body you deserve.