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Scritto il 23/04/2019 alle ore 06.07
But Mister Reeve surprised the medical doctors by his efforts to recover. He started working to strengthen his legs and arms. Physicians used electrical shocks to re-activate his nervous program. In two-thousand, he regained the ability to move his finger. He later regained some motion and feeling in other parts of his physique. And last year, an experimental electric device was placed in his abdomen. It permitted him to breathe without a respirator for hours at a time.

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Scritto il 23/04/2019 alle ore 05.18
Just wanted to reach out as another bereaved mom. We lost our second child, Samuel, 11 years ago on 7/3/01. He had Potter’s 1 from ARPKD. Eleven years ago I was not in the place you are now. Praise be to God you are able to be thankful so early in your bereavement!

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Scritto il 23/04/2019 alle ore 04.22
emanuele secondo me lo conquisti solo se crei un look alternativo a quello di clotilde. lei è la moglie bon ton, scelta per compiacere i gusti della mamma. ma nell’animo di emanuele chiunque può intravedere la passione per il volgare, unico vero modo per trovare una identità autonoma al di là dell’eredita nobiliare. dunque si a un completo rosa glicene e fai uno sforzo: mettiti le espadrillas.

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Scritto il 23/04/2019 alle ore 04.00
Mor­gen Anne,du warst doch auch bei der tech­no­rati Aktion dabei, trotz deines unsteti­gen Blogver­hal­tens! Es ist kein Zwang, ein­fach nur ein Weg dich ein wenig pub­licer zu machen?Kannst du dir ja überlegen!

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Scritto il 23/04/2019 alle ore 03.23
I did early voting and proud that I did.. the lines can be very intimidating. I encourage ALL AMERICANS to get to the poles and VOTE. Our family loves carrots! I know this recipe is good!Blessingsshug

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Scritto il 23/04/2019 alle ore 03.11
J'aime M-Aude Murail et là tu me tentes sérieusement, je n'aime pas ça, ma PAL non plus mais contrainte et forcée, je note ! Bises Clara et bonnes Fêtes de fin d'année si je ne repasse pas par là !!! :)

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Scritto il 23/04/2019 alle ore 01.53
Là, je suis totalement d’accord. Moi j’aime Federer plus que tout. Son jeu, sa personnalité….Mon fils ado adore Nadal, que je ne peux pas piffrer. Tous les goûts sont dans la nature….

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Scritto il 23/04/2019 alle ore 00.45
Gratulerer med ny sofa! Så herlig følelse når man er fornøyd. Vi kjøpte alle sengene til gjesterommene på hytta på Fretex og er også kjempefornøyd.Ha en fin weekend.

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Scritto il 22/04/2019 alle ore 22.57
4th year can be a blow-off year, but I'm not planning on making it one. I'm deciding between EM and Surgery, but regardless I plan on taking EM (If I go surgery), Anesthesiology, Ortho (If I go EM), and radiology electives post-match. If students are allowed to save 50k, will anyone bother to try and round out their education? But if you force students to spend that extra year, I think quite a few of them try to put it to good use.

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Scritto il 22/04/2019 alle ore 22.51
I would absolutely end up writhing on the floor if I tried to find fun too. It always happens. That totally sucks and for some reason being sick at “The Happiest Place on Earth” seems like it would be only a billion times worse than being sick ANYWHERE else. Hope you’re better now.