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Scritto il 03/05/2019 alle ore 07.11
Mitt schooled Obama who was clueless.. one of the best comments last night was: “”I’ve been in business for 25 years. I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzing!!!!!Obama was not in Command. He was lost and so obvious that without his kiss ups and teleprompters he has no idea what he is doing.

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Scritto il 03/05/2019 alle ore 06.24
I been with my boyfriend for almost a month now. We are going to be one month on the 13th. We been friends for 2 years. So he ask me out. But few weeks ago, we were talking about “TRUST” cause he wanted to go out with his friends. So, he went with his friends but didn’t went home the next day. Days past & i was driving his car, i saw some of this “GIRL STUFF” in the car & i asked him. If he f**ked that girl. & He admitted to me that he did. What should i do? Should i trust him? Pls help me. I don’t know what to do.

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Scritto il 03/05/2019 alle ore 04.33
I suffer from a distoted body image. I know i'm not fat but I HATE summer when the shorts and shorts sleeve clothes come out. A bathing suit sends me over the edge. I do not know why I am like this, who knows maybe it all the TV ads and the expectations of women to always look their best. I am at my best with the turtleneck, jeans and sweat comfy clothes.

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Scritto il 03/05/2019 alle ore 04.10
Christi-We could certainly use some sunshine here–in a cake or anywhere else! It looks and sounds delicious and the cake plate reminds me of mine (which was my grandmother’s). beautiful!

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Scritto il 03/05/2019 alle ore 03.38
If you thought she was good I PROMISE you’ll LOVE ME! I am one hell of a beautiful Poet, like you’ve never heard! Check out my channel! Thank you! ;o]

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Scritto il 03/05/2019 alle ore 01.55
Merci pour cet article très intéressant.Il est vrai que j ai éprouvé depuis deux jours un sentiment de flottement etde remise en question en rapport avec des émotions passées.Ces émotions ont refait surface à mon insu et je me suis sentie émotionnellementfragilisée.Mais ce n est pas négatif car revisiter nos fragilités permet de clarifier ses souhaits en vue depréparer l avenir.

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Scritto il 03/05/2019 alle ore 00.30
/ If you feel this way, you should personally monitor the school cafeteria, inspect the kitchens in restaurants, and only eat food that you prepare for yourself. You are a classic paranoid.

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Scritto il 02/05/2019 alle ore 23.19
Yes, but what ABOUT the stealing/gambling/whatever? Does that ever go on the table, or is it all about feelings?I'm also curious about the OA/UA thing, which you mentioned in the previous post but never went back to.

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Scritto il 02/05/2019 alle ore 23.05
Your blog is awesome, pictures are fabulous and your recipes are good. I bought Kale yesterday and I yould like to know, since I'm not completly raw,if i could use tamari or miso. Instead of bragg.

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Scritto il 02/05/2019 alle ore 22.58
Estes comprei-os no mercado de peixe de Porto Côvo. Em Peniche e na Ericeira também são muito vulgares. Se perguntar na sua peixaria ou até numa grande superfície, acho que vai encontrá-los. São muitas vezes chamados "buzinas", para diferenciar do buzio pequeno de cervejaria.