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Scritto il 06/05/2019 alle ore 05.19
Hvis jeg må svare på Julies vegne: tror bestemt gerne Julie vil hjælpe, men tror ikke hun har tid til/mulighed for at skulle besvare de mange henvendelser hun ville få. Det var i øvrigt ikke Julies egen lejlighed det drejede sig om, så hun er heller ikke i en position hvor hun blot kan dele den på et åbent forum :)

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Scritto il 06/05/2019 alle ore 05.00
keep away from fire. And you my friend are EN FUEGO. Thanks for sharing, your confidence is contagious. I am also very jealous of those dimples, I've always thought they were sexy. 

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Scritto il 06/05/2019 alle ore 04.27
you continue to reveal your true unapologetic and illiterate self<<And your ranting and raving reveals the true wingnut that you are. I wouldn't be surprised if you were wearing a tin foil hat as you write your hysterical(!!!) posts.

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Scritto il 06/05/2019 alle ore 04.06
Really trustworthy blog. Please keep updating with great posts like this one. I have booked marked your site and am about to email it to a few friends of mine that I know would enjoy reading..

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Scritto il 06/05/2019 alle ore 03.23
You guys are judging the blog based on a profile taken from Wikipedia - too harsh. In fact, that's the style used by policitians all over the world. The profile is normally written in the third person, to reduce the appearance of the an ego on the politicians. That should be least of your quibbles. "What's the substance of the man?" is what you should be asking.

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Scritto il 06/05/2019 alle ore 01.43
esto efectivamente solo pasa en Nueva York! Pero lo más increíble es que la gente respeta el amterial que le prestan, esto es, que es solo durante un rato de su propiedad. Aquí en dos días estaría todo hecho un desastre!!!!

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Scritto il 06/05/2019 alle ore 00.25
“Gut, vierhundert sind bei drei Millionen Berlinern kein großer Prozentsatz. ”Leider kommen auf Veranstaltungen, die für unsere Gegenwart und Zukunft wirklich interessant wären, oft nicht mal 10 Prozent dieser Besucherzahlen….

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Scritto il 05/05/2019 alle ore 19.21
Ahah je savais que j’allais provoquer tes interrogation en écrivant ça mais oui… Je les laisse parfois un mois sur les yeux… Sans jamais les enlever… Erm…Et c’est gagné, je suis mal à l’aise avec un sourire niais, ahah <3

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Scritto il 05/05/2019 alle ore 19.11
Simply by definition, payday loans tend to be tiny short term loans employed for emergency money and soon you obtain the next paycheck. You’ll obtain your hard earned money quicker compared to other lender whether you utilized on the internet or went to an online payday loan retailer. These types of financial loans possess fast acceptance rates given that you can find absolutely no credit rating checks or perhaps extended credit score varieties to be able to fill out.

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Scritto il 05/05/2019 alle ore 18.34
hola buenas tardes.gracias por la oportunidad de dscargar y oir estos libros. no conocia el libro, pero un allegado lo menciono y me dio curiosidad, soy algo parecido a un agente viajero, y por lo general paso 4 horas al dia en un bus. usualmente, me la paso escuchando las mismas canciones mp3 de siempre, ahora gracias a este sitio, voy a entretenerme y hasta aprender con libros.gracias.